Thursday, December 15, 2011

Skateboards and Skating by Joseph

I just started to skate and I love it, I think you should try it too.

I love to skate I have a shortys skateboard and I always use it when I go to school, when I go to the library, the store, and even when I go visit my dad.

Skateboards are CURADAS! and there are a lot of decks like shortys, Plan B, Baker, Exepition Real, and Element those are just a bit of all of them.

There are different types of boards like Longboards, Shortboards, and Skateboards.One of the things I like about skating is that I can go where ever I want with it.

So I reccomend you to skate if you haven't tried it. Try something new, it's very fun and you do exercise when you push yourself.

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